Duplicate class StateUpdatedListener found

Over the last week I had spent a few evenings for what seemed like a 'minor' and routine library upgrade for my Android Apps. And I almost gave up.

Beyond Automation - Leveraging AI for Strategic Advantage

Integrating AI into business operations enhances growth, decision-making, and efficiency by fostering a data-driven strategy, improving marketing efforts, ensuring fairness, and innovating mobile app development.

The Plate Collector

A creative re-enactment of a real life incident that happened back in 2009 when I was attending a training with my colleagues. Since I am not creative enough to retell it in such a way to convey it across, it was natural to get some help, er.. all the help.

UX in Movies Part 1

Part 1 of a series exploring the effective use of UX interfaces in Movies, mainly Dashboards.

Year 2023 in Review

It's that time of the year for the year in review.

Technology UX in Movies

Have you ever wondered how technology interfaces in movies manage to captivate and guide us, regardless of our tech knowledge? I have had this idea for many number of years about combining two of my interests - movies and UX.

Updating Android Apps

I had been procrastinating with the update of my Android apps that were published to the Play Store for a few years now. It finally caught up to me as Google Play gave me a deadline of Aug 31, 2023 to update them to target the latest Android API version or be delisted from the store.

Message Counter (Android)

A quick look into how we can count the number of messages (sms/text) on an Android device. As well as an Android app that I published to the Play Store.


In this blog post, I note down an interesting usage of Canvas API. I had tried to build something with it earlier but I needed more guidance and definetly some inspiration.

AI Image Generation

Adobe recently unveiled a suite of AI Image generation tools under the name Firefly. I got access to Beta test this product and thought of writing down some notes as I had done in recently.