Here is my year 2023 in review, as is tradition come December.

  • Read a grand total of 1 book this year - Origins by Neil deGrase Tyson
  • Used Gen AI a lot into personal works, including Blog posts Game Review, Front end Frameworks, Image Generation and other projects
    • Added a prominent disclosure in all of such posts that AI tools were used to create those posts
  • A huge effort to migrate 6 of my Android apps to the lates SDK version
  • Started with an intro post to a series on UX in Movies, which I wanted to do for many many years
  • Made an international trip after more than 5 years, a short visit to India to meet friends and families
  • Polished and published a css library project onto npm in an Alpha stage
  • Signed up for some fitness to stay in shape, not getting any younger
  • Watched 152+ movies or documentaries, up from last year (128)